Belief and success

You have heard from many people that “belief” only works for people who are successful.

Ask these same successful people what they owe their success to and they’ll start using words like positive thinking and affirmations.

But people who struggle often articulate the success of others to “good luck” and their own struggles with “bad luck.”

If those who are achieving great things in their careers keep using the same words over and over again, maybe they are repeating these words because they are true or because the repetition helps them build confidence, making it true. Do you think – being successful really is simple and straightforward?

You believe and then you achieve. If this is the case, then it is finally time to follow this advice!

In a world that pours out a lot of negativity, it’s a challenge to think positively. But unless you do, your goals won’t happen. A negative attitude holds you back. It makes you doubt yourself and your ability to reach your goals. But this can be changed if you want it to change. The flip side of thinking negative is positive, so if you have a career goal in mind, one that you really want, it’s time for you to shift your thinking and your focus.

1. Chose To Believe

If you don’t think that believing in your goals works, then you won’t believe. And, your goals won’t work. Without belief, the magic in your career is gone.

You should be excited, motivated, and passionate about careers (it’s not merely a job). Belief is at the heart of this. When you believe in something, you feel giddy, like a child who knows that anything can and will happen. You get that pep in your step, and you have something to look forward to. Belief gives you a reason to get out of bed every day. It fuels your fire and moves you forward in a strong and powerful way.

2. Say Your Career Goals Out Loud

When you speak something, rather than only thinking it, it becomes real.

But many people are afraid to speak about their goals because they don’t know what the outcome will be. You don’t get a guarantee in your career. You get a feeling that something feels right and then you go after it. And usually if it feels right, it is right. Try it now. Speak your goal. How did it feel? I bet it’s Good feelings.

Now, who will you tell, and keep telling? Writing down your goals is important, but so is saying them out loud.

3. Achieve Your Career Goals

If you work on your goals, you will reach them. If you don’t work on your goals, you won’t. But once you believe you can achieve your goals, and you’ve said it for the world to hear, you are ready to act. Take the first step and keep repeating this action until you’ve reached your destination. Sound too simple to be effective? Probably. But what’s wrong with simple? Do you remember, Baby steps concept!

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love.

Suresh Shah, Managing Director, Pathfinders Enterprise

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