Begin your new year with,

  1. Letter from the future

Write a letter dated December 31st 2015 as though your year is complete.

Write about how wonderful the year was.

Include all the different areas of your life – be as detailed as possible.

Include your feelings and emotions.

  1. Assess how you make a Change

Write about your present current reality of

  • Situation
  • Behaviors
  • Feelings
  • Thoughts

On another day,

Write your Vision for next year (2016) for all above areas.

  1. Respond honestly to the following:
  • Your achievements and highlights of 2014
  • Key turning points, events, and what impacted you?
  • Who you became, what you learned, or how you grew?
  • Disappointments, sorrows, hardest parts or trying times of 2014
  • What can you leave behind? Could be your Legacy, as well
  • What you wish you did more of, or had allowed more time for?

Your thinking to do (or be) differently in 2015

And, also write …

  • List at least 10 things you wish to attract into your life in 2015
  • Opportunities lie ahead
  • Adventures and fun to be had
  • New skills to learn
  • Supports and resources put in place?
  • Your values and needs to orient your life around in 2015
  • Goals strongly committed to
  • Who you are becoming and how you can be described in the year ahead?
  • if 2016 was a chapter in my book of life – what would the chapter heading be?

Have some fun and be creative about your intentions and goals for 2015. The key is to think creatively and abundantly. Stay in positive focus, possibility thinking.

Just choose an activity that suits you and create your Best Year Yet.

You may send it to me (suresh@mypathways.net) if you like. We two then can explore further. Pathfinders is happy to assist.


Suresh Shah, M.D., Pathfinders Enterprise

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