Pass the buck …. is a corporate game. One should
be able to pass the blame to someone. Main reason is
you always ask ‘who’ (did this), and not ‘what’ (happened).
Corporate managers are clever in passing the blame
downbelow to operations. They sit in sky chambers (high
position); cannot do wrong!
- Profit and loss – reasons are always operations failed,
did not meet targets, poor quality, delayed deliveries,
materials not arrived on time, etc.
- Plant operations – efficiency down due to poor upkeep,
Untrained or less trained operators
- Accidents – safety procedures not followed. Safety
Equipment not in working condition (Fire extinhuishers not
Refilled, operators not aware of using safety wares.
- Wrong deliveries – wrong address. During festive
season, customers specifically give instructions
where to deliver – to their warehouse or Sales depot.,
sometimes, direct to customers, or sub-contractors
- With use of technology, such delays can be avoided.
Purchase Order from customers are copied and followed
Up to deliveries. A Forklift will not pick up wrong materials
- Safety drills are in place. Mock exercises are planned
- Operators and Corporate managers are trained for
working together
- For example, during Budget preparation, variances
are discussed with Corporate and Operation managers,
finding out what went wrong
- Why one wants to pass the buck –
- afraid of facing the charge of wrongdoing
- Take revenge on someone
- Maintain clean image of oneself – we are not like that
- Dumping ground – in every organization, there is a
department which is known as Dumping ground. One
can use it as a dustbin. Pass the blame to dumping
Suresh Shah, Pathfinders Enterprise
Corporate manager, capable of managing internal controls