You surely can get things done – if not, you are not so busy!
There are two scenarios you need to watch out for:
The fake-busy person. They are the coworker who always seems to be doing something but doesn’t really get anything accomplished. These people are always too busy to take on any work or help out someone else. This is a true sign of the fake-busy person.
They never take on any extra work. They are always too busy doing “their thing”.
The over-busy person. Everyone has a limit somewhere. Busy people have limits too. So there is a fine balance between getting more out of a busy person.
When a true busy person goes down, it can be disastrous for an organization. Invariably, they are pulling a disproportionate share of the weight of the organization. Whether it’s some kind of a breakdown, or its an illness from over-stress, losing the busy person can have a dramatic effect.
Are you a busy person? Do you know…
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