Tag: compliance

Compliance Tests

Today’s global business environment has created highly international, decentralized


Individuals often operate in remote countries where bribes and payoffs have

historically been a routine part of conducting business.

When language, culture and traditions vary so widely, keeping close tabs on international operations can be extremely challenging.

When it comes to bribery provisions, data analytics are the most powerful way to validate the completeness and accuracy of books and records.

Continuous monitoring provides assurance around the effectiveness of internal controls and pinpoints transactions that appear suspicious.

Providers Name Matching

Identify expense transactions where the vendor name (and attendee name in the case of meals) closely matches a name on the OFAC/GSA list or other supplied list of names (e.g. PEP list, prohibited vendors)

Suspicious Key Word Matching

Identify payment transactions containing suspicious words in identified fields (e.g. description or comments fields) such as: gifts, services rendered, facilitation, cash…

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Build internal protection for Ethical failures in your business

You are confident of having controls in place in your business.
At the last CEO breakfast meeting, I was amused to hear the following table talk. “What do you think of misdeeds in US companies? So many cases of fraud. Is it greed only or, something else?”
“I don’t think we have to worry about it – this is Singapore.”
“Yes, there is no room for it in our clean environment. US companies have grown too big to manage. And, it is a society of mixed cultures.”
All of us believe (rather strongly believe) that the reputation earned by Singapore as that of being squeak-clean is a boon.

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