Create a culture of inclusion in your organization.
Retain the high potential females in your organization.
Why the female focus ?
It’s just as important to retain male high potentials.
However, the very approach to identifying high potential can put women at a disadvantage, so you need to put additional focus on this area.
A recurring complaint is that high potential women leave organizations because “what good looks like” is too biased towards “male” behavior.
Women who demonstrate these “male” characteristics tend to be derided for their behavior.
Men are “driven”; women are “pushy.”
Men are “achievers”; women “trample” over others.
There is a need to embrace the “and” when it comes perceptions of women, Tzemach Lemmon 2015.
Marines and lipstick are not a natural association in peoples’ minds but when it comes to performance one should not have to take on male characteristics to be taken seriously…