Tag: HR

HR as a Strategic partner

Human Resources becoming a Strategic partner in your business?

A strategic business partner shares physical and intellectual resources to help solve problems and make decisions for other departments and organizationwide.

A logical way that HR professionals can become strategic business partners is by initiating and participating in succession planning.

Look at this scenario: If there is a need, the department head contacts human resources and the practitioner is relied upon for their expertise, or

Departments want to be in charge of their own workforce/ succession planning and they only see human resources in rather an administrative advisor role.

HR needs to start the workforce/succession planning conversation in order to move forward in becoming a full-fledged strategic business partner. It is necessary to use human resource analytics appropriately.

HR colleagues largely lack analytic and crossfunctional skills.

HR practitioners need most now and in the future, is analytical and cross-functional business skills. To truly serve as strategic business partners and offer data-based solutions to problems, human resources professionals need to understand the objectives of the other business units in their organizations.

Concluding on economic and labor situations, you all continue to debate with regards to the importance and purpose of human resources.

Where does HR today really stand in the business landscape today?

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