Three unbelievably cool things happened to me this week.
I now have the first hardcover copies of my new book in my hands. It’s a real thing now!
CEO of Fortune 500 company told me he’d been following my interviews with Eric Gan about how to get a job at Google, or anywhere.
He asked how his company could adopt some of those same practices.
I am glad – Someone is listening!
Next week, a new job-seeker spotted me in Kopitiang cafe.
“I read every one of your articles about resumes and what Google looks for, did what you said, and just started at Google last week. I just want to thank you for helping me get hired by Google.”
Noogler candidate (new + Googler)’s expression: you’ve got an awesome resume. You’ve avoided the errors that plague almost 60% of resumes, nailed the right keywords, and your accomplishments burst from the page…
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