Tag: investors

Every Startup Pitch Deck Should Answer these questions

Pitching is both art and science, but having a pitch deck that demonstrates traction over time is mission critical.

One of the unfortunate things that comes with being an early-stage entrepreneur is constantly keeping your pitch materials up to date, whether you are potentially seeking venture capital funding now or in the future.

Whether investors reach out to you or vice versa, there are certain questions that are almost always asked. Investors usually end up focusing on the three very specific items.
To maximize your company’s chances of pitching your startup successfully and securing venture capital, here are the 3 questions that every pitch deck should answer:

Does it look like your customer base is growing?

If it does not look like your customer base is growing, you are dead in the water. That may be an obvious point, but it is hard to communicate customer traction to prospective investors. Investors have limited time, and you need to graphically depict that you are growing in as few word as possible, using a solid visual representation.

Do your customers like your product?

Both B2C and B2B businesses — you need to be able to demonstrate that your product is getting “stickier” somehow, and the usage patterns of your customers are getting more favorable. Depict traction in terms of your customers purchase from us each month…

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You’re a new CEO… Now What?

Transitioning from one leader to the next can be a tumultuous and risky time for any company as well as the new leader. The performance of the new CEO in the initial months is critical to her or his long-term success.
The good news is that most CEOs are given a pass in the first six months by investors as they adjust to their new role.
The bad news? After that, investors want results.

Whether transitions are planned or unplanned, it’s clear that leadership change affects the enterprise value of a company. The study determined that whether or not the effect is positive or negative depends largely on measures taken by CEOs in the months following the change… …

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