Tag: manage

Stay Calm – Do You Manage Your Emotions

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance.

90 percent of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress Sin order to remain calm and in control [TalentSmart]

For animals, intermittent stress is the bulk of what they experience, in the form of physical threats in their immediate environment.

Bulk of your stress is subjective and under your control. Top performers have well-honed coping strategies that they employ under stressful circumstances. This lowers their stress levels regardless of what’s happening in their environment, ensuring that the stress they experience is intermittent and not prolonged.

Appreciate What You Have

People who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude experienced improved mood, energy, and physical well-being [Research at University of California]

Avoid Asking “What If”

Things can go in a million different directions, and the more time you spend worrying about the possibilities, the less time you’ll spend focusing on taking action that will calm you down and keep your stress under control. Calm people know that asking “what if’’ will only take them to a place they don’t want—or need—to go…

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Reduce OR Eliminate Stress

I am not going to promote Yoga or any such other philosophical techniques to you.

I want to share with you understanding on why stress and how to manage it at the workplace.

You worked hard to climb the corporate ladder and your efforts have finally paid off. The climb up may have been slow, but the fall down will be swift and could be very noisy.

You, too, could be missing the signs of a headlong fall back down the ladder. It won’t be because you lack the technical skills to do your job. Instead, your downhill slide will be caused by failure to recognize and address the undercurrent of stress that bombards you throughout your day.

Almost 48% of newly hired or recently promoted executives get fired or quit within the first 18 months on the job.

You can continue to climb up the ladder or enjoy the scenery where you are now…

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