Tag: mirror

Coaching clinic at Pathfinders

We, at Pathfinders are in the business of assisting business owners and individuals to better perform in whatever they are doing. Coaching clinic is for improvising (or, corrections). Humans do err – the key is in not repeating what you did incorrectly. Another key is updating/upgrading. We know you all are occupied in your day-to-day chores, and have very little spare time. We assist you with information on what’s happening/trending these days – be it business ideas, performances, strategies.

Welcome to the Clinic

Why am I doing this?

I coach because I’m passionate about helping you – business owners and/or professionals to be successful. It’s really that simple. So whether you’re leading a company, or in-transition for better opportunities, I can help you to show up authentically and effectively.

With 20 years of corporate experience to draw from, I’m there as a mirror, reflecting back to you your presence in the workplace, and as a guide—offering insights, advice, honest feedback…

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