We, at Pathfinders are in the business of assisting business owners and individuals to better perform in whatever they are doing. Coaching clinic is for improvising (or, corrections). Humans do err – the key is in not repeating what you did incorrectly. Another key is updating/upgrading. We know you all are occupied in your day-to-day chores, and have very little spare time. We assist you with information on what’s happening/trending these days – be it business ideas, performances, strategies.
Welcome to the Clinic
Why am I doing this?
I coach because I’m passionate about helping you – business owners and/or professionals to be successful. It’s really that simple. So whether you’re leading a company, or in-transition for better opportunities, I can help you to show up authentically and effectively.
With 20 years of corporate experience to draw from, I’m there as a mirror, reflecting back to you…
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