Tag: Ph.D

Poor Patient

When you phone for an appointment of a specialist medical practitioner, you have to go through a web of questions (relevant or irrelevant).Name, Date of Birth, Address, Phone numbers – Home, Cell, Email ID, Purpose of appointment, Social Security Number, Citizenship ID (Adhaar Card), Medical Insurance Information, etc.

In short, as if they are going to make your Life sketch.

Then you are advised: This is your first time visit, so please come 15 minutes earlier, Bring New Patient Information From downloaded from our Website duly filled in.

When you reach their clinic, you are given aroune 10/12 Forms to fill in. You find that on first page, the questions you already responded on phone while taking the appointment.

You then respond to Phone numbers information. Question: If we want to contact you for whatsoever reasons, which phone number should be used.

You mark Cell phone. Next Q: If you are not available on phone…

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