Tag: productivity

Emails for Productivity

You know very well that when used correctly, email can be a productivity tool

Allow you to manage the flow of information that comes at you more efficiently
Field requests at the times most convenient for you
Store records of important details and decisions

However, email can also harm your productivity instead of helping it.

Look at these big ways email can slow you down and make you less productive.

Are you guilty of any of these?

Reading every news article someone sends you

Just because a news article shows up in your in-box, it doesn’t have a higher claim on your time than your other priorities…

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Convince a Manager to allow Flexible Schedules

An interesting case for pondering over:

Cindy, a manager in a small department and have to get approval of flexible schedules for staff from the Boss. Boss wants everyone to be at work during normal business hours, doesn’t like flexible schedules, and sees all requests as the same (trying to get out of work).

Cindy is confused about this thinking and believe Boss doesn’t really understand flextime and its advantages, but she is wondering how to best discuss this.

Boss tends to overreact whenever she brings up the topic and gets into the issue of “not trusting the employee to really work and not goof off.”

Cindy see a request to temporarily change a schedule by arriving earlier…

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