Tag: Trust

You and your Clients

Make your clients believe You

You have come across many books, literature, talks on Sales. I am not giving you the old wine!

By now, I know many of you quite well – those who mingle at Pathfinders, who write to me or, ask me questions. Pathfinders love challenges.

Forget about Sales expenses – start talking about Investing in sales (sales persons and sales training).

Sales is a relationship topic – is constantly evolving and developing.

Your business is well equipped with techniques to increase/promote sales of your products/services.

You know your clients want something different. People love to buy things –they want to be led through a process they enjoy to chose whether or not your product or service is going to solve their challenges.

Sales is the act of helping another person discover if your product or service will be the “right choice” and Feeling “Right” about their choice.

What barriers in Feeling Right?

Your clients Are Not Clear About What They Are Buying.

You have missed being tangible with what they are getting…

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Keep Ideas Flowing in Your Workplace

Why Ideas not become Actions!

But then, What’s Ideas – Ideas are nothing more or less than a new combination of old elements. James Webb Young

Not only smart people can give ideas; ordinary people create ideas everyday simply combining things they already know.

As an Ideaist, you help people think better of themselves; help create an environment that’s fun!

Strategically speaking,

Do not ask for one solution; ask for many …. In business, there is no one right solution. Searching for one right solution, you may reject few good solutions.
Do not reject ideas; ask for more …. There is always a better way. There is nothing like the best. Better always come up.
Share what everybody does – everybody knows that her/his views are respected, thereby improve self-esteem
Share experiences – make working together easier
Forget about efficiency; care about ideas – you cannot judge the worth of an idea immediately; you cannot as well judge the efficiency of producing from that idea…

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