Take Actions

It’s  for Today – Take Tomorrow Off

You are always busy – that’s why you are in business!
However, be aware, it can’t be busy without any business.

Take a day off in a few weeks, or in a month, if you really planned for it.

Realize that most things are not as pressing as you think and that a little time away from the office is not the end of the world. Recognize Important from Urgent.

But then, why? What should you do on that day off?

Go to the beach, play with your children, watch the movie/your favorite channel, or a hike in the wilderness.

What could happen?

  • Remind you that you are in control of your own life
  • Boost your creativity – no one gets their best ideas with full to-do list in their head
  • Stimulate physically – have you ever tried wakeboarding, making your own sushi or doing yoga?
  • Building strong self-esteem: giving you a sense of separation from your business

Channel the excitement you got when you were a kid and had  a holiday.

Tomorrow, the day is all yours ….|

Suresh Shah, M.D., Pathfinders Enterprise

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