– Coloured toilet paper was the norm in the past.
This was to match with bathroom tiles.
This did not last long – due to pastel dyes affecting the skin.
Toilet paper is enjoying special attention in recent times – but why it is White?
Cascades Tissues Group says – it directly comes from cellulose fibre that comes directly from trees.
– Eucalyptus and some other softwood trees.
Though chemicals are used in making of Paper, they are not harmful.
Most of these chemicals are produced in-house.
Attempts are made to produce paper from, Waste paper, Bamboos, Mixed hardwood, etc.
This is to mitigate shortfall of natural wood.
People who intend to produce Natural resources products, they cut trees and burn the butts.
Suresh Shah
Above write-up is inspired from work experience, discussions with Paper making Professionals in China, Indonesia, Norway, Taiwan, Finland, and other Paper producing countries.