Some people just are there, you may also do not know how they have entered. They disrupt what you are trying to accomplish. You are occupied in business operations priorities.
- Usual suspects
- Those who steal
- Not doing their job
- Show up inappropriately attire
- No brainer
- Kings of ethics – always complaining for others, without a comment on their own productivity.
- Office babies – are insecure and will go to all lengths to hide their failings.
- Joy sponge – those who have the uncanny ability to soak in the joy in any situation, and prioritize looking at the negative in any situation.
- Proverbial know-it-alls –never fail to remind others of the impossible task at hand, without a solution or the right approach.
- Yes-man – seems to think every idea you give is flawless – don’t turn to them when you need honest advice.
- Resist to change – despite getting feedback on their negative attitude or behaviour
Keep the people who keep you in business. They are key positions.
Suresh Shah, Pathfinders Enteprise